SE Chapter Meeting Minutes
Dec 16, 2018
OFFICERS PRESENT:- Coordinator - John Botorf; Vice Coordinator - James Rhoden ;
Recording Secretary - James Niece; Treasurer - Tina McDowell ; Membership Secretary - Craig Blair;
State Rep - OPEN; Legislative - Dave Ganslein; Webmaster - James Niece;
Historian - Melinda McCrossen; Road Captain - Aaron Manning; Ways & Means - Sammy Manning; Public Relations - Bill Cameron; Chapter Chaplain - Mike Friend; Education Director - Geoff White;
Sgt at Arms - Dave Ganslein.
GUESTS & NEW MEMBERS: 2 Guests -Barbara Speck representing Randy Phipps, Bruce (Flying 15mc)
ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING: 17 members, 1- Guests; 2 rode in
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: Accepted with corrections
COORDINATOR COMMENTS: .Quit killing yourselves on motorcycles. Barbara Speck gave a report on Randy’s condition. ( He is in the ICU at the VA and is very weak.) Gofundme account to be set up.
VICE COORDINATOR COMMENTS: Sorry I have’net been around. Getting back in the game again after the house burned down.
CORRESPONDENCE: Email from an attorney who is representing a GJMC member. He is seeking club member information. Email to be forwarded to Mike Friend.
TREASURERS REPORT: Canned Food Drive - $1301.00; Down Riders Fund - $373.00;
S.E. Chapter Checking - $5,234.56; Toy Run $16,150.97 Total $23,059.53.
$10,631.00 in Toy Run monies given to Tina by James Niece before the meeting started.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT: 147 Members - 41 Expired;
LEGISLATIVE REPORT: DEQ proposed fee increase on tailpipe emissions. The lane sharing bill has a sponsor. Vulnerable user bill is in progress. A national profiling bill is in the works. Mongols m/c has been found guilty of racketeering in CA. .
BIKE PAC REPORT: Over 70 m/c fatalities in Oregon. Good time to contribute $50 to BikePAC. Info on a recent m/c fatality in Hillsboro. Speed and a failure to secure the chin stra were factors in the accident.
STATE REPORT: Don Mason and Rot Path received achievement plaques. Discussion on a statement in the Nov SE newsmag article which was objected to by the State Board as not being appropriate for public viewing. The SE Chapter is objecting to the State Board’s reaction to the Nov SE Chapter newsmag report. Who is doing the State mail? Barbara Speck is handling this.
EDUCATION REPORT: STEAM will be on the 1at Saturday in Feb. at the American Legion in Newport...
HISTORIAN REPORT: No new pics. Shop buddy list to be udated and passed around.
WEB MASTER: The Gallery page has been updated. ..
CHAPTER CHAPLAIN: Have a happy and blessed Christmas. Possible fund raiser for Randy. Need to get $3000 to help his situation. Randy has given alot to Abate and is in a tight spot..He is on BFC’s prayer list.
ROAD CAPTAIN REPORT: Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Just call me PR Bill and I want you to know that you are all PR. Welcome to the club. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Help to get materials passed out. Questions? Answers? Solutions? Goose ( of Eastside m/c shop ) is not doing well.
WAYS & MEANS: $44.00, Toy Run shirts for sale. Misc raffle items shown. 50/50 drawing today.
Toy Run: The prize winners have their prizes.
SE Chapter Events: .We need to get the sanctioning forms / flyers in asap.
Cabin Fever Party: Urge people to set up a relationship with shops to get Abate info posted. Everything is lined up for the party. Just get people there. Discussion on how to handle the good and the not so good prizes. Door prizes needed.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Membership / Fund Raising - Nothing new:; Trailer Repair - No Report
More infomation on Randy’s situation. How to help him out: Gofundme? Mobility scooter? Red Cross?
NEW BUSINESS: .Melinda nominated Jaques LaPointe to be #2 Sgt at Arms. Geoff White nominated for BikePAC rep (declined). Mike Friend nominated for BikePAC rep.
Dave Ganslien elected to be Legislative Director.
SE swap meet discussed. March 31, 2019 at the Elks.
FOOD DRIVE: $71.00 received today. Total to date: $1,464.00
Goose has a serious illness.
Flying 15 m/c event on Feb 9th, the Number 2 Show. Music & DJ, Ride in bike show; Free entry,
Early load in, Submit a description of what you are entering.
Wed, Thurs, Fri - Riders at the Capitol to meet legislators and promote lane sharing.
Last year for Rolling Thunder because of the expense.
RAFFLE DRAWING: Prizes given away..
50/50: $30 total, $15 won by John Botorf.
Next Meeting: Jan 6, 2019
Dec 16, 2018
_______________________________ _______________
James Niece, Chapter Secretary Date
ABATE of Oregon, Inc.
SE Portland Chapter